Press Release| Aurelia eV | ars vivendiBonn/ January 17, 2024
Innovative didactic offerings for all types of schools and for multipliers will be available free of charge from March.
Aurelia eV has been developing didactics for youth and schools for 16 years. In numerous workshop instructions and modular learning materials from the 7th grade of every school type up to the upper secondary school level, education for sustainable development is at the center of the learning process. Here it becomes clear what math and German, physics, history and social sciences or simply the reality of your own life have to do with ESD. And yet, according to Jasmin Victor, who is responsible for project development at Aurelia eV, this type of specialist focus falls short. "The ecological crisis on our planet was preceded by a cultural crisis. That is why ESD must be general education in the best sense, which does not shy away from the complexity of the connections. We must again dare to ask the big questions about happiness and meaning in life, the polarity of Removing people nature in favor of a biophilic approach, allowing a thought of sufficiency to arise. Despite all the importance of technology and natural science, our interaction with the world can use some cultural-philosophical reflection. Our project work with the young people of the school partners and the experiences of our partners from politics and society , social work and environmental education have clearly shown that the time is ripe for more empathy building and soft skills, not only in dealing with our fellow human beings, but with the entire world. We are running with this approach for the students involved in the project open doors!"Learning at extracurricular learning locations, during project days and school trips offer the necessary change of scenery to open your mind. The learning materials will be made available for download free of charge until April 2024 at as well as on EU platforms for educators and other common OER platforms. They are available free of charge to teachers and interested school tourism providers.
In the region for the regionFor local youth and schools as well as for traveling school groups from home and abroad, ars vivendi workshops and excursions are offered in the project pilot region on Lake Como. The "strumenti per i giardini del cielo", which were also created as part of the project work, will be a permanent educational installation in Menaggio that will encourage walkers and visitors to reflect on the natural sciences and philosophy.
Contact: Aurelia eV, Jasmin Victor, 49-228-92983733,
Press images for use:
Press Release| Aurelia eV | ars vivendiBonn/Überlingen/Menaggio May 5th, 2023
A German-Italian-Liechtenstein educational initiative brings the Global Agenda 2030 into reality and offers orientation for sustainable regional development specifically and exemplarily for the rural Alpine and pre-Alpine areas.
Social transformation begins with schools and youth
As part of this project, Aurelia eV Bonn is developing a new didactic concept to make the 17 goals of the Global Agenda 2030 teachable and learnable. Three participating pilot schools (the Überlingen high school, the IISS Leonardo da Vinci in Carate Brianza and the IISS Ezio Vanoni in Menaggio/Lake Como) will be recognized as partners for education for sustainable development at the final event in March 2024. The consortium includes the German-Italian Center for European Dialogue Villa Vigoni, Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa (an association of Italian educators), the Network of Lombard Parks and Gardens, the Botanical Garden Lorenzo Rota Bergamo, CIPRA International/Vaduz and the Cooperativa Sociale AZALEA /Tremezzo. On the one hand, the project responds to the urgent need for practical didactic concepts on ESD for schools and young people, and on the other hand, it wants to stimulate discussion on the question “How does prosperity work without growth?” and let young people find out how the intersection between personal happiness in life and a sustainable lifestyle can look like.
A cultural crisis resulted in the ecological crisis - ars vivendi focused
Alps as role model
Nowhere in Europe is anthropogenic climate change as evident as in the Alpine region. Climate zones change faster than animals and plants can adapt. The glaciers and lake levels make it clear whether we are achieving temperature targets or not. Necessary digitalization and a new culture of valorization will keep these regions livable for new generations.
Sustainable yesterday and today
The Alps are also the refuge of cross-border commuters. Learning from each other, exchanging ideas, across borders and generations is part of the regional culture here. Sustainability is not a new invention and the term innovation must not only refer to technology. Future-oriented knowledge about agricultural culture as an element that preserves biodiversity has such a long tradition in hardly any other region as here.
Strengthen resilience with ars vivendi
The ars vivendi – comic FILOSOFIA brings together philosophy, sustainability and personal happiness
Modules such as “your SDGs”, “enjoy slow travel”, “17 goals – take off!” show what our everyday lives have to do with the SDGs
The “strumenti for the giardino di cielo” built by the students place the viewer in relation to the universe
In the developed landscape workshops you learn to distinguish between nature, culture and what you see into the landscape
Food foraging and social farming show how zero waste and CO2 neutral works
Aurelia eV Bonn and Menaggio/CO
Aurelia eV has been working as a non-profit organization in the field of ESD for 14 years. Modules are continually being developed for every school department and also increasingly for independent youth work and its multipliers. The educational portal offers schools and youth institutions ESD events throughout Europe. Aurelia eV is organized in international networks - e.g. the UNESCO Ocean Decade or the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance eV, is recognized as a stakeholder for ESD by the German UNESCO Commission and is not only an Erasmus sponsor for ars vivendi, but also a partner in other Erasmus -Projects such as the Italian-Portuguese-Greek-German project BELLANO GREEN SPORTS.
Jessica Puth, who has been on the board of Aurelia eV for two years, does not shy away from partnerships with economically operating companies in the areas of school tourism/youth travel: “On the one hand, it is essential to advocate for more general education, because this is simply no longer possible in the school sector are sufficiently offered and learning at extracurricular learning locations is ideal for this. On the other hand, social transformation can only succeed through strong networks and partners with reach.”
Contact: Aurelia eV, Jasmin Victor, 49-228-92983733,
Press images for use:
Boat trip with Landscape
Boat trip with Landscape
Boat trip with Landscape
Boat trip with Landscape
Guided tour of Villa Vigoni
Guided tour of Villa Vigoni
Project presentation round in Vanoni School
Comic: What does personal happiness have to do with sustainability (Italian German)
World Café to the 17 destinations
World Café to the 17 destinations
World Café to the 17 destinations
World Café to the 17 destinations
Copyright: © Aurelia eV, Bonn (always mention)
press release| Aurelia eV | ars vivendiBonn/Überlingen/Menaggio 05.05.2023
ars vivendian educational initiative (Germany, Italy and Liechtenstein)brings the Global Agenda 2030 to thereality of life and offers orientation forsustainable regional development specifically andexemplary for the rural alpine and pre-alpine regions.As part of this project, Aurelia eV Bonn is developing a new didactic concept to make the 17 goals of the Global Agenda 2030 teachable and learnable. Three participating pilot schools (the Gymnasium Überlingen, the IISS Leonardo da Vinci in Carate Brianza and the IISS Ezio Vanoni in Menaggio/Lake Como) will be awarded as partners for education for sustainable development at the final event in March 2024. The consortium includes the German-Italian Center for European Dialogue Villa Vigoni, Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa (an association of Italian educators), the Lombard Parks and Gardens Network, the Lorenzo Rota Botanical Garden Bergamo, CIPRA International/Vaduz and the Cooperativa Sociale AZALEA /Tremezzo. On the one hand, the project reacts to the urgent need for practical didactic concepts on ESD for schools and young people, on the other hand it wants to stimulate the discussion on the question "How does prosperity work without growth?" and how sustainable lifestyle can look like.A cultural crisis resulted in the ecological crisis - ars vivendi focusedAlps as a role modelNowhere else in Europe is anthropogenic climate change as evident as in the Alpine region. Climate zones are changing faster than animals and plants can adapt. The glaciers and lake levels make it clear whether we are achieving temperature targets or not. Necessary digitization and a new valorization culture will keep these regions liveable for new generations.Sustainability yesterday and todayThe Alps are also the refuge of cross-border commuters. Learning from each other, exchanging ideas across borders and generations is part of the regional culture here. Sustainability is not a new invention and the concept of innovation must not only refer to technology. There is hardly any other region where forward-looking knowledge about agricultural culture as a means of preserving biodiversity has such a long tradition as here.Strengthen resilience with ars vivendiThe ars vivendi comic FILOSOFIA brings together philosophy, sustainability and personal happinessModules such as “your SDGs”, “enjoy slow travel”, “17 goals – take off!” show what our everyday life has to do with the SDGsThe "strumenti per il giardino di cielo", built by the students, place the viewer in relation to the universeIn the landscape workshops that have been developed, you learn to distinguish between nature, culture and what you look into the landscapeFood foraging and social farming show for example how ZeroWaste and CO2-neutral worksAurelia eV Bonn and Menaggio/COAurelia eV has been working as a non-profit organization in the field of ESD for 14 years. Modules are continuously being developed for every school subject area and also increasingly for independent youth work and its multipliers.The education portal offers schools and youth organizations ESD events throughout Europe. Aurelia eV is organized in international networks such as:the Ocean Decade of UNESCO or the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance eV, has been recognized as a stakeholder for ESD by the German UNESCO Commission and is not only an Erasmus sponsor for ars vivendi, but also a partner in other Erasmus projects such as the Italian-Portugues -Greek-German project BELLANO GREEN SPORTS.Jessica Puth, who has been on the board of Aurelia eV for two years, does not shy away from partnerships with commercial companies in the areas of school tourism/youth travel: "On the one hand, it is essential to campaign for more general education, because this is simply no longer possible in the school sector. And learning at extracurricular learning locations is ideal for this. On the other hand, social transformation can only succeed through strong networks and partners with reach.”Kontakt/picturesKontakt: Aurelia eV, Jasmin Victor, 49-228-92983733, arsvivendi@aureliaev.deWebsite: www.arsvivendi-europe.euPress fotos to use: